Terms and conditions

1.1. Seller – online shop dreamforwood.com.

1.2. Online shop – a set of websites owned by dreamforwood, available at dreamforwood.com.

1.3. Terms – these terms set out the principles that form the legal basis for the use of the Online Shop. The provisions of the Regulations, together with the provisions of the law in force on the territory of the Republic of Poland, exclusively define the rights and obligations of the Shop’s Customers, as well as the rights, obligations and scope of liability of persons who have the right to operate and manage the services offered through the Online Shop. These provisions constitute a set of universal rules applicable to all Shop Customers, but there may be further restrictions on the use of Shop Customers imposed by technical and/or legal conditions.

1.5 Shop Customer – an adult who has visited the Online Store, sent the completed Order Form to the Seller and accepted these Terms and who has the right to use all the facilities available to them subject to the Rules and the instructions, passwords and links contained in the Online Store.

1.6 User – any person who makes limited use of the resources of the Online Store, i.e. without completing the registration procedures, provided that such facilities have been made available by dreamforwood.com. In particular, the absence of a registration procedure does not exclude the User’s liability under clause 3 of these Terms.

1.7 Registration – the Customer completes the Product purchase form on the Online Store website by providing personal data, contact details and email address. Completion of the order form is required to conclude a purchase agreement between the Seller and the Customer of the Online Store.

1.8. Password – is received together with an e-mail confirming the purchase, which is required together with the e-mail address to log in.

1.9. Purchase contract – a contract concluded between the seller and the customer of the online shop in the form specified in these Terms.

1.10. Delivery – the delivery of the ordered goods by the Seller to the Client, which constitutes the performance of a dreamforwood service in accordance with the Purchase Agreement. Delivery may be made using the Seller’s own means of transport or using the services of external companies.

2.1. Online shop at dreamforwood.com by Kostiantyn Zubaryk

3.1 Shop customer / user is obliged to provide the completed order form. Any log-in to the online shop website by the shop customer / user is tantamount to acceptance of these provisions.

3.2 The shop customer / user is obliged to use the online shop in a way that does not violate the law, the rights of third parties, the rules of social coexistence and these provisions.

3.3 The shop customer/user is obliged to refrain from all activities that may hinder or interfere with the functioning of the online shop and the use of the resources and functionalities offered by it in a way that is burdensome for other users.

3.4 The completion of the order form by the customer/user is tantamount to his declaration that:

a) the data provided in the Order Form is complete and accurate,
b) he/she has read the Execution Regulations and undertakes to comply with their provisions.

3.5 It is not permitted to publish comments or opinions on products that:
a) contain personal and contact details;
b) are advertising or promoting one’s own or foreign business activities;
c) contain content that is considered SPAM – not thematically related to the product being commented on, or content that resembles news and announcements;
d) it involves the distribution of pornographic content;
e) violate Polish or international law, decency, moral standards;
f) violate the dignity or personal rights of other persons or companies;
g) supporting radical social attitudes or advocating such views (racial, ethnic, gender, religious or other discrimination);
h) prevent or significantly hinder the ability of others to use the resources of the Online Store.

3.6 Responsibility of the Store Customer/User:

In the event that third parties assert claims against dreamforwood for violation of laws (including copyrights, trademark rights, principles of fair competition, rules of social coexistence), personal rights (including image rights) due to the posting of a Store by the Client/User – the Client/User undertakes to take all legal steps at its own expense and risk to ensure adequate protection of dreamforwood against such claims.

4.1 The product descriptions presented on the website of the Online Shop are consistent with the facts presented by the product provider.

4.2 The Seller is not responsible for errors in the descriptions resulting from the presentation of false or misleading information by the manufacturer or distributor of a particular product.

4.3 The Seller is not responsible for changes introduced by the manufacturer or distributor without informing the Seller of this fact.

5.1 Orders may be placed at any time throughout the year. However, the Seller reserves the right to suspend the acceptance and processing of orders in the following cases:

a) on holidays and public holidays;
b) in the event of stock shortage;
c) during technical breaks necessary for the proper functioning of the online shop;
d) for reasons beyond the Seller’s control.

5.2 In order to place an order, the customer/user of the online shop is obliged to provide up-to-date personal and contact information – including the delivery address, e-mail address, phone number. This is necessary in order to fulfil the obligations arising from the purchase contract.

5.3 After placing the order, a message will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the ordering process to confirm the order. It is equivalent to confirmation of the conclusion of the purchase contract by the shop customer/user.

5.4 The choice of the payment method whereby the Shop Customer / User is obliged to choose one of the available payment methods.

5.5 There is no possibility to chose cash on delivery payment.

5.6 If it is not possible to fulfil the purchase contract according to the Customer/User’s order because one of the items of the order is missing, the Customer/User will contact the Seller to set the rules for the fulfilment of the purchase contract. The order will be processed without missing items if the customer/user of the shop agrees. If the customer/user of the shop does not agree, the purchase contract expires.

5.7 The time limit for delivery of the ordered goods is usually not more than 3 working days from the date of receipt of payment on the account specified by the Seller or from the date of confirmation of the wish to pay for the goods on delivery, but the Seller reserves the right to deliver the goods at a later date, not more than 14 working days from the date of conclusion of the purchase agreement.

5.8 The Customer/User has the right to check in the presence of an employee of the courier service whether the delivered goods correspond to the order. The business customer’s/user’s signature on the consignment note means confirmation of the conformity of the delivery with the purchase agreement.

5.9 The offer is available while stocks last. Due to the limited quantity of goods, orders placed after the stock level cannot be processed, which will be communicated to the Customer/User by e-mail by the Seller’s employee.

6.1 Shop customers/users can use PayPal as a payment method.

7.1 All prices in the online shop are stated in GBP, they are brutto prices. The prices stated in the online shop do not include the delivery costs, which are added separately to the order.

7.2 The prices stated are valid at the time of the order by the customer/user of the online store.

7.3 The Seller reserves the right to change the prices available in the shop, to end the sale before the time indicated on the Online Store website and to cancel all types of promotions and sales.

8.1 The Customer/User of the Store has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract without giving any reason within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the package with the ordered goods by submitting a written statement to this effect to the Seller or by contacting the indicated telephone number of the Store.

8.2 In case of withdrawal from the purchase contract, the Customer/User of the Store shall receive a refund in the amount of the price of the purchased goods, being obliged to send the received goods unchanged, in their original packaging and undamaged, together with a legibly completed return card, a sample of which shall be provided to the Customer/User after prior contact with the Store office.

8.3 The refund of the countervalue of the purchased goods shall be made to the account number indicated by the store owner / user.

8.4 The right to withdraw from the purchase contract is not available to the Shop Customer/User in case of product personalisation.

9.1. Wenn das gekaufte Produkt Mängel aufweist, wird der Verkäufer nach seiner Wahl das Produkt reparieren, es zur Reparatur an den Hersteller schicken, es gegen ein fehlerfreies Produkt umtauschen und den gezahlten Preis ganz oder teilweise zurückerstatten. Falls es keine vom Kunden gekaufte Ware gibt, kann der Verkäufer Waren mit ähnlichen Parametern anbieten.

9.2. Die Übergabe des defekten Artikels an den Verkäufer erfolgt auf Kosten des Kunden des Geschäfts, und dem Paket sollte der bei der Lieferung gelieferte Kaufbeleg beigefügt werden.

9.3. Die Frist für die Prüfung von Reklamationen beträgt 14 Tage. In besonderen Fällen, auf die der Verkäufer keinen Einfluss hat, kann diese Frist verlängert werden.

10.1 When using the Online Store (consisting of account registration, orders, subscription to the newsletter), the Customer provides his/her personal data. The provision of personal data by the Customer is voluntary, but necessary to make purchases and use the services of the Online Store, which require the provision of personal data.

10.2 The administrator of the personal data referred to in point 10.1 is dreamforwood.com.

10.3 In matters related to personal data, you can contact us by e-mail at the following address: contact.wooden.store@gmail.com.

10.4 The Administrator has appointed a personal data protection inspector who can be contacted by e-mail at contact.wooden.store@gmail.com. The inspector will be happy to assist in all matters relating to the protection of personal data, in particular to answer questions about the processing of your personal data

10.5 By providing data, the customer declares that the personal data provided by him are his data.

10.6 Detailed information about the scope of personal data received, the purpose and manner of its processing, as well as the rights of the customer can be found in the Privacy Policy .

11.1 In matters not regulated by the Rules, the applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Act on the Provision of Services by Electronic Means.

11.2 All disputes arising between the Customer and the Seller in connection with the Online Shop shall be settled amicably. Only if it is impossible to reach an agreement, either party may refer the case to the court competent for the registered office of the Seller.

11.3 The Terms shall enter into force on the day of their placement on the dreamforwood.com website.